The Illuminerdy

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100 Word RPG Hook: Ambassador to the Loa

They moved through the fields as if sleep-walking, cutting down the sugar-cane with awkward, robotic motion. Sweat soaked through their rough-spun clothing, but beyond that the oppressive heat did not seem to affect them. “So they are still alive?” he asked, in accented French.

The bokor paused, scratching at his ear. “After a fashion. They breathe. And eat. But they are...pliant. Cooperative…”


The bokor’s eyes narrowed, but he did not answer.

“Understand this: my employer will not pay for anything less than the full formula. Not just the herbs and chemicals, but also the more…esoteric instructions. We require intercession.”

The Cue

This week's inspiration for the 100 Word RPG Hook was "Zombie." For some more voodoo-inspired weirdness, check out this (no kidding) 2010 news report.

More 100 Words

Need more 100 Word RPG Hooks? Check out these two entries from fans of the Illuminerdy:

Dylan Zimmerman (@dylzim) gives us a high fantasy take on the mindless undead, appropriate for D&D or Pathfinder.

Meanwhile, Tom (@amarthis) presents us with a sci-fi inspired bit of post apocalyptica.